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Letzte Nachrichten

4 family members plead not guilty in abduction and abuse of a malnourished Iowa teen

Georgia lawmakers scuffle over a divisive bill that opponents say mimics Kremlin's repressive law

Lawsuit asks Wisconsin Supreme Court to strike down governor's 400-year veto

Mark Cuban shares his 9-figure tax bill on IRS due day

Black-led women’s running group sues Boston Marathon organizers and Newton police chief for alleged racial discrimination

Atlantic City mayor, wife charged with abusing and assaulting teenage daughter

Letzte Technology News

EPA denies energy industry petition to shield turbines from air rules

PVML combines an AI-centric data access and analysis platform with differential privacy

Watch a recycling machine shake apart old hard drives to recover components

Global iPhone shipments drop nearly 10% as Apple's 2024 woes continue

Reddit Shares Slip as Analysts Debate Valuation, Growth Outlook

Your morning coffee may be more than a half million years old