I didn’t like the default title entry of prosilver or my current style (theme).
The default in the file overall_header.html looked like this
<title>{SITENAME} • <!-- IF S_IN_MCP -->{L_MCP} • <!-- ELSEIF S_IN_UCP -->{L_UCP} • <!-- ENDIF -->{PAGE_TITLE}</title>
I replaced this line with the following lines
<!-- IF S_FORUM_ID == 0 && S_IN_MCP != 1 && S_IN_UCP != 1 -->
<!-- Forum Index Title -->
<title>{SITENAME} : {SITE_DESCRIPTION}</title>
<!-- ELSEIF S_FORUM_ID != 0 && S_TOPIC_ID == 0 && S_IN_MCP != 1 && S_IN_UCP != 1 -->
<!-- View Forum Title -->
<title>{FORUM_NAME} Topics : <!-- IF ON_PAGE > 1 -->Page {ON_PAGE} : <!-- ENDIF -->{SITENAME}</title>
<!-- ELSEIF S_FORUM_ID != 0 && S_TOPIC_ID != 0 && S_IN_MCP != 1 && S_IN_UCP != 1 -->
<!-- View Topic Title -->
<title>{TOPIC_TITLE} : <!-- IF ON_PAGE > 1 -->Page {ON_PAGE} : <!-- ENDIF -->{FORUM_NAME} : {SITENAME}</title>
<!-- ELSE -->
<title>{PAGE_TITLE} : <!-- IF S_IN_MCP -->{L_MCP} : <!-- ELSEIF S_IN_UCP -->{L_UCP} : <!-- ENDIF -->{SITENAME}</title>
<!-- ENDIF -->
now it shows the sitename on home, on other views it shows the forum name or topic title first
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