
Re: Need a fix for Navbar Tabs :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 29. Jan. 2011 | Keine Kommentare

this is just about style.css
some months ago I recommended to add
#page-bar li ul ul {

margin:-22px 0 0 154px;

in the last post here:

in one of my themes
I added:
#page-bar li ul ul { margin: -22px 0 0 168px; }

#page-bar li:hover ul ul, #page-bar li.sfhover ul ul { left: -999em; }

#page-bar li:hover ul, #page-bar li li:hover ul, #page-bar li.sfhover ul, #page-bar li li.sfhover ul { left: auto; }

#page-bar li:hover, #page-bar li.hover { position: static; } /* IE7 Fix */
Try not to duplicate entries, like in Arthemia you might find ‚#page-bar li {‚ under *Navigation Bar* and once more with other values under *Dropdown Menus*
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(von: Joern)

Hier noch 4 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Need a fix for Navbar Tabs

29. Jan. 2011 (von: raf_79)

The tabs on my navbar with sub-categories all open when I hover over the parent tab instead of waiting until I hover over them individually to open. Please watch this Jingcast for a better explanation: http://screencast.com/t/n2Yv4YkP4EG1.Also, how ca... Weiterlesen →

Re: Need a fix for Navbar Tabs :: Reply by ARCHITERIALS

17. Feb. 2011 (von: ARCHITERIALS)

Hi! I also have the problem that my parent page stays highlighted in the nav bar when the cursor moves down the list to hover over a child page. I'd like the parent page portion of the page bar to…

Re: Need a fix for Navbar Tabs :: Reply by Joern

17. Feb. 2011 (von: Joern)

the code above has to go into style.css of your theme folder.Just add it in a new line at the end of style.cssIt's actually to make sub-child-pages line up beside the dropdown of child-pages, it might help you with the…

Re: Need a fix for Navbar Tabs :: Reply by ARCHITERIALS

17. Feb. 2011 (von: ARCHITERIALS)

Thanks for the reply Joern - I wound up figuring out how to do this through trial and error. For those who have the issue this is how I fixed it:Code:#page-bar li:hover {   /*background: #cc9933;*/   text-transform:uppercase;  ... Weiterlesen →


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