
Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress

von Joern am 23. Mrz. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

Any idea how to use the WordPress sidebar for streaming Youtube videos?
It should update automatically with the latest video from my youtube channel and be automatically resized to fit a box of 300x250px.
Here is how to do this for Youtube videos:

We are going to use a function built into WordPress 2.9 and later, the class simplepie.

To load this class you could install a plugin (SimplePie Plugin for WordPress) or use my easier way to load SimplePie.

We add a call to functions.php to enable SimplePie. Most themes have a file called functions.php, there we add just one line above the end ( just above ?> ) the following code:

* If SimplePie class hasn’t been loaded before try to load it again.
if ( file_exists(ABSPATH . WPINC . ‚/class-simplepie.php‘) ) {
@require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . ‚/class-simplepie.php‘);
} else {
die (__(‚Error in file: ‚ . __FILE__ . ‚ on line: ‚ . __LINE__ . ‚.<br />The WordPress file "class-simplepie.php" with class SimplePie could not be included.‘));

As soon this code is in place, the class simplepie is available and we can use it.
Now we open up sidebar.php.

I am going to explain this for the theme Arthemia, but it is working in all themes having about 300px space in width.

In Arthemia’s sidebar.php we are going to replace the 300x250px placeholder image.

This is loaded in this line:

<img src="<?php echo get_option(‚home‘); ?>/wp-content/themes/arthemia/images/banners/square.jpg" alt="" width="300px" height="250px" />
leaving this line in place first we paste the following code just below this line, before the next </div>
This code will show the latest four videos of a user channel as an image, linked directly to the youtube page:

<!– start 4 youtube images –>
<?php if (class_exists(‚SimplePie‘)) {
$user_name = herthatv; //put your username here with ‚;‘ behind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$feed = new SimplePie();
$feed->enable_cache(false); // disable caching
$success = $feed->init();
$YT_PlayerPage = "http://www.youtube.com/user/".$user_name."#play/uploads/";
$YT_VideoNumber = 0;
$ShowMax = 3; // to show 4! images
foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item)
if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure())
$YT_VideoID = substr(strstr($item->get_permalink(), ‚v=‘), 2, 11);
echo ‚<a href="‘ . $YT_PlayerPage . $YT_VideoNumber . "/" . $YT_VideoID . ‚"title="‘ . $item->get_title() . ‚"> <img src="‘ . $enclosure->get_thumbnail() . ‚" width="148" height="122" alt="‘ . $item->get_title() . ‚"/></a>‘;
if($YT_VideoNumber == $ShowMax) break;
} // end Simplepie ?>
<!– end 4 youtube images –>

That’s it? No, you have to replace the user_name with your User Name, otherwise you will see the Hertha BSC clips.
This was easy, but what’s about a really embedded video?
The following code will embed the latest video of your channel in your sidebar:

<!– start youtube video –>
<?php if (class_exists(‚SimplePie‘)) {
$user_name = herthatv; //put your username here with ‚;‘ behind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$feed = new SimplePie(); // setup the feed
$feed->enable_cache(false); // disable caching
$success = $feed->init();
<?php if ($success): foreach ($feed->get_items(0, 1) as $item):
if ($item) { ?>
$YT_VideoID = substr(strstr($item->get_permalink(), ‚v=‘), 2, 11); //get just ID of latest clip
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2/swfobject.js"></script>
<a name="ytplayer"></a>
<div id="ytplayer_div">You need Flash player 8+ and JavaScript enabled to view this video.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
‚http://www.youtube.com/v/<?php echo $YT_VideoID; ?>&enablejsapi=1&rel=0&fs=1‘,
allowScriptAccess: ‚always‘,
allowFullScreen: ‚true‘
id: ‚ytplayer_object‘
<p><?php echo substr(strip_tags($item->get_description()), 0 , 300) . " rn"; //this line is the description if you like ?></p>
<?php } // end if there is an item
endif; //success
$feed->__destruct(); unset($feed);
} // end Simplepie ?>
<!– end youtube video –>

Is that all? No, you have to replace the user_name with your User Name!!
One line in this code renders the description of your video, if you do not like this, you are free to delete this line:

<p><?php echo substr(strip_tags($item->get_description()), 0 , 300) . " rn"; //this line is the description if you like ?></p>
This code will create a valid XHTML embed code for the YouTube video using the free available swfobject library swfobject.js.
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(von: master)

Hier noch 11 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by greenbandit

9. Feb. 2011 (von: greenbandit)

great post, any idea to use curl instead of simplepie? Weiterlesen →

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by master

9. Feb. 2011 (von: master)

Sorry, I never used cURL yet.As simplepie is in WordPress already and is useful for many other functions to grab feeds, I use it as is.What I do is actually not disable the caching function, eg do not use:$feed->enable_cache(false); //…

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by greenbandit

9. Feb. 2011 (von: greenbandit)

hi, and thanks for a fast answer!I've reading this: http://simplepie.org/wiki/reference/sim ... _fsockopenThanks. Weiterlesen →

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by raf_79

14. Feb. 2011 (von: raf_79)

This is great! I got it to work without a problem following your instructions. What changes do I need to make to the code to make this work in a sidebar widget so I can control the pages it shows…

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by master

14. Feb. 2011 (von: master)

I use it here (link deleted)This is not in a widget though, it just shows the embeded video of the latest posts of a category. It's totally different from the code above, does not need simplepie as you post it…

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by raf_79

15. Feb. 2011 (von: raf_79)

Yes, please. I await your response - but not today. Weiterlesen →

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by Joern

15. Feb. 2011 (von: Joern)

I opened a new topic thread for that: add latest video from a post in WordPress sidebarother ways to get video code from WordPress post or resize a video hereget the oembed code of a video in a WP 2.9…

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by raf_79

16. Feb. 2011 (von: raf_79)

Thank you for the coding to add the latest video from a WP post on your site into a sidebar widget. This information will be very useful for me. I'd like to ask, and pray I don't offend you, does…

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by Joern

16. Feb. 2011 (von: Joern)

Above in this thread you get your user-channel feed from YouTube as feed. Either you display 4 stills linking to the video in youtube (this changes if you add something to your channel)oryou load the latest clip in a player…

The e-mail/username information submitted could not be found

2. Jun. 2013 (von: master)

After migrating from bbPress to phpBB3 I realized that formerly 'registerd users' had to retrieve their password by using 'I forgot my password' and entering their user name and the e-mail adress they used before.This is something I can live…

Re: Add a YouTube user channel video to WordPress :: Reply by Joern

8. Mai. 2015 (von: Joern)

as of may 2015 youtube changed their api and the stuff above doesn't work anymore!!Some user may think: Wordpress update to 4.2.2 broke a plugin used to link to a YouTube channel.In this thread we used the rss feed of…


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