
Re: HELP! WordPress Thumbnails Problem! :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 19. Mrz. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

I found one on your /page/4 – the Wordless Wednesday image IMG_6902.JPG

putting just the image path into the browser (…timthumb.php?src=//wp-content/uploads/2010/0…) shows me two // in front of wp-content, should be one. Insert the path in customfield without /.

Additionally it shows the error:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 31457280 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 13056 bytes) in /home/ckac……..

This means you are getting memory problems on your server, which could solve from alone but actually happens because the image is quite big: 3.202,92 KB 3.264px × 2.448px

On this single post you display this 3MB image just 493px wide, but force visitors to load the full big image.

My advice: Resize your images to a width of about 600px before uploading, you never need wider images to display, you save server space, traffic volume and timthumb saves memory.

Did this help? You are welcome to ask.
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(von: Joern)

Hier noch 6 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

HELP! WordPress Thumbnails Problem!

19. Mrz. 2010 (von: ckachelmuss)

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Re: HELP! WordPress Thumbnails Problem! :: Reply by ckachelmuss

19. Mrz. 2010 (von: ckachelmuss)

Thank you so much! I just switched to Wordpress 3 weeks ago and I am still learning. Are there any books you recommend on Wordpress or should I just rely on the Internet. Weiterlesen →

Re: HELP! WordPress Thumbnails Problem! :: Reply by Joern

19. Mrz. 2010 (von: Joern)

I never read books about that, google is faster! Wordpress is supported very well. On http://codex.wordpress.org you find best help, in my forum too ____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

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Re: Update to Forum – New Look – New Platform :: Reply by Joern

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I am sorry to tell all previously registered users that you have to apply for a new password on login - I hope it works! ____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

Re: Update to Forum – New Look – New Platform :: Reply by Joern

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