
Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 16. Dez. 2009 | Keine Kommentare

preview might work only for admin with a cookie.. I see Arras theme.
to show a slider as on your site you could delete this stuff in headslider.php
ul class="ui-tabs-nav"

this should just run the left side of it
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(von: Joern)

Hier noch 14 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Change language and category display

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)

HelloWondered how I can change language on the date dispalyed. I also wonder how I can change what category the first two post on top of the drop down list show. I am not sure if that's called "drop-down list",…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Joern

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)

The display of the date is set by <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> in some files of the theme. As there are many ways to format a time and date display please check here how to change:http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/the_timeIn German themes I…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Miklo

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)

Correct, it is the front list under categories I was talking about, sorry for the misinfo. What I do to exclude/include categories and select the number of posts for the whole list isCode:query_posts("cat=-7,-1&paged=$page&offset=0&posts_per_page=16");But as you can see on the design,…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Joern

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)

not easy to explain, I would insert a new query before the one you have already, try this:in index.php look for:div id="bottom" class="clearfloat"div id="front-list"and make place just below this.now insert the following code BEFORE this..php if(is_paged()) { ....span class="breadcrumbs"......Code:<!-- query…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Miklo

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)

Really, really great!!! Worked like a charm! Thank you so much! Weiterlesen →

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Joern

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)

no! not on second page, here slightly changed:Code:<!-- query for posts from two categories on first page only --><?php if ( !is_paged()) { // comes only if is not paged ?><?php $display_categories = array(1,7); // insert the two category IDs…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Miklo

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)

Well, the site is on http://duvet.no, but with Arras Theme. I am currently working on this from the back-end of my site, which uses Wordpress. When I have all the little tweaks I need, I will change it.EDIT: Does this…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Miklo

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)

You can see a bit here:http://dump.no/files/8360519e8f6d/Scree ... .43_PM.pngSee how the two first post in the category "MP3" are shown before the rest are shown side by side? I want all post in "MP3" shown side by side. The new code…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Joern

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)

I see - you create a mix of arthemia and Arthemix.to get rid of the two wide posts before the side by side ones, you have to delete something in index.phpStart after this line and keep this line:Code:<?php if (…

Re: Change language and category display :: Reply by Miklo

16. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)

Perfect! What else can I say. Terrific help! Weiterlesen →

how do you format „tag“ pages in WordPress. See this.

21. Jun. 2012 (von: omerkhan01)

Here is my page in question that was picked up by Google and is a tag page.It needs to be nicely formatted. In particular, line feeds or line space. How and where do you do thatHere is the tag page…

Re: how do you format „tag“ pages in WordPress. See this. :: Reply by Joern

21. Jun. 2012 (von: Joern)

As usual I check the source code first, Firefox marks some not valid stuff just in red colour.1. Now, let's start with the content of this particular tag page, that is the stuff you put in the post editor:Title size…

Re: how do you format „tag“ pages in WordPress. See this. :: Reply by master

6. Jul. 2012 (von: master)

just testing code.button functionCode:function bbcode_buttons() {$tags = bb_allowed_tags();echo  "<scr"."ipt type='text/javascript' defer='defer'>   function BBcodeButtons_init() {test codebutton using pre code /code /pre[pre]Code:function BBcodeButtonsToolbar() {if (typeof bbField == 'undefined') {bbField = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];}if (bbField) {smilieCount=0, BBcodeButtons = new Array(), edOpenTags = new Array();BBcodeButtons_init(); var…

Re: how do you format „tag“ pages in WordPress. See this. :: Reply by testonly

25. Aug. 2012 (von: testonly)

Thanks for giving me the toronto pua training tag. In this tag we find the better information. Weiterlesen →


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