
the info you need to know

von blogdot admin
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Wer auch immer nach den folgenden Vulnerabilities in plugins and themes sucht, die gibt es hier nicht!! Da sucht ein Bot oder Script automatisch nach Themes und Dateien. Auszug aus meinem 404 Log-File: /admin.php /admin/uploadify/uploadify.swf /administrator/ /administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml /blog/ /blogs/ /cms/uploadify/uploadify.swf /COPYRIGHT.txt /default.php /dffs.php /engine/init.php /inc/uploadify/uploadify.swf /includes/uploadify/uploadify.swf /interface.php /joomla/ /js/uploadify/uploadify.swf /lib/uploadify/uploadify.swf…

von Joern
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@killdbillI think you have to talk to the feed suplier or read their guidelines.This feed is working only on a site using an authorized API key.go to http://www.offergrid.com/about-gridapi/ to read some details, they even have a live chat system asking if you need help.As soon your site is able to…

von Joern
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By the way, I have seen your guide to:Modify the front page view of arthemia to show most recent (newest) post as 'headline', next four older posts as 'featured' and the subsequent posts continuing below.I don´t want to change 'featured', just show most recent (newest) post as 'headline' and the…