
the info you need to know

von Joern
Keine Kommentare

OK, the webpage went back to normal, I calmed down, and decited to continue with Arthemia But there is still no contact to the ColorLab support theme I have four questions more, and then Im done. (I hope Can you help me please?1.I would like to have the latest post…

von Joern
Keine Kommentare

@Matthewthat's just about an additional entry in style.css, you have to format the second ul-list inside the normal dropdowntry to add in style.css#page-bar li ul ul {margin:-22px 0 0 154px;}the values you might have to adjust, I use in http://themes.go41.de/?wptheme=arthemix_ME under the about button this values#page-bar li ul ul {margin:-31px…