
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Hi,First of all... this is a GREAT website. It has helped me a lot in my quest to change the Arthemia WP theme. This should be an easy question : How to put a background image in the Arthemia theme. I was thinking of Code:body {   font: 100% Arial, Helvetica; …

von Joern
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I understand that you can use <?php list_authors(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); ?> to display the list of all the authors on the site. But how would you go about setting up a grid with a picture of each author, their name, and a description?I'm already using user photo to grab their…

von Joern
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still do not get the problem.do you insert a php code in the page editor to let exec-php execute it?I would create a page template for this page, assign in the editor this file as template and put any custom code there.Create a template by using a copy of page.php…