
the info you need to know

von Joern
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I could have swore I saw somewhere how to change the archive pages to two column layout like the front page.As a side note is there any way to tell if errors in the code are causing issues easily?I've made a ton of changes to 6and10.com and I am not…

von Joern
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Do you use any add-rotating widget? Looking on different pages of your site, I see more ore less adds.advertising scripts in general go into a widget just as script, not in a <p style="text-align: center;"> with some below (your sidebar-left)I think you modified your sidebar.php too? Your <div id="sidebar-middle"> closes…

von Joern
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To give your visitors a button (link) to send the current post they are reading to twitter, you just have to insert a short piece of code into the loop of your WordPress post.Take your themes single.php and add this:<a href="http://twitter.com/home?status=Currently reading <?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="Click to send this post…