
the info you need to know

von Joern
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New! Beautiful! WordPress theme series Barthami is ready for you. The Barthami Theme features: Unique layout with a jQuery Content Slider on top of the homepage view Automatic Image Resizer (timthumb), to dynamically create and size cached thumbnails for the slider and for the list of posts in front-, category-…

von Joern
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To list pages in WordPress you normally take this: <?php wp_list_pages(); ?> But how to display some pages with the_content or the_excerpt? I didn't find a way to query specified pages by page_id and run a foreach loop, so we are going to get the pages one by one in…

von Joern
1 Kommentar

DrDave hat sein Spam Karma in der Version 2.3 vollendet. Wenn man noch die Version 2.2 benutzt, wäre es angebracht diese upzudaten. Einfach die neue Version downloaden und auf dem Server die alten Dateien überschreiben. Was alles neu ist: Zitat von unknowngenius.com: Changelog New in 2.3: * Miscellaneous bug-fixes (UI,…