
the info you need to know

von blogdot admin
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Wer auch immer nach den folgenden Vulnerabilities in plugins and themes sucht, die gibt es hier nicht!! Da sucht ein Bot oder Script automatisch nach Themes und Dateien. Auszug aus meinem 404 Log-File: /admin.php /admin/uploadify/uploadify.swf /administrator/ /administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml /blog/ /blogs/ /cms/uploadify/uploadify.swf…

von Joern
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Hi, I am building a site with wordpress and s2member. I have configured s2member as per guide but have a problem with the welcome/login page. After a user has registered, the set up should direct the user to the "Members…

von Joern
5 Kommentare

Here you find the download link and the ReadMe to be able to set up the theme Aranovo2 The free Aranovo2 Theme features Unique layout with a jQuery Coda Slider on top of the homepage view Full WordPress 2.9 Post…