
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Thank you very much for your help. i really appreciate that. now i figured out most of the things. all i need is traffic on my site. Can you provide me some tips on how to increase views and visits. Or if i need to improve my content quality. just…

von Joern
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Since I solved my other problem by myself, here's a better one: I'm wanting to move my content to the very edge of the page box. I've been messing with it but I think it's something to do with the clearfloat which is preventing me from breaking down the barriers.…

entfernen des Pfeils (shortcut arrow) der Icons in Windows 7

von Joern
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Wie bekomme ich die Pfeile (shortcut arrows) auf den Icons des Windows 7 Desktop weg? Für Windows XP gab es da ja Tweak UI, wie mache ich das aber bei Windows 7? Grundsätzlich wird der Pfeil als Bild Overlay über die verknüpften Icons gelegt. Im Internet gibt es verschiedene Tipps,…