
the info you need to know

von Joern
Keine Kommentare

Hahaha, can't believe I didn't notice that!It was a wayward plugin which I've now resolved.I'm very, very happy to donate for all the help you've given us this year. The only reason I asked about the wishlist is if there was something specific you were after. iPad might be a…

von Joern
Keine Kommentare

sorry, I was wrong, this 'Feature Article' stuff should be for 'Browse Journals'.It is actually the fix for the thing you just noticed.I wanted to say replace under div id="middle" class="clearfloat" this:<span class="textimg">Browse Journals</span>with:<span class="textimg clearfloat">Browse Journals</span>to move the text above the category bar to the left...(not in header.php but…