
the info you need to know

von Joern
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A short code to exclude one or two posts or pages from the WordPress loop is easily done with 'continue' This means if the loop comes over the post ID you state in this line, it will just continue with the next post.In a normal loop add it just after…

von Joern
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If the sitemap has empty referrers to some pages it could help on bbpress- to edit the bbpress_sitemap.php.part of sitemap.xml before editing bbpress_sitemap.php<loc>://</loc><lastmod>2009-02-11</lastmod><changefreq>monthly</changefreq><priority>0.2</priority>and the same after editing:<loc>http://forum.go41.de/tags/sidebar</loc><lastmod>2009-02-11</lastmod><changefreq>monthly</changefreq><priority>0.2</priority>What to change in bbpress_sitemap.php Version: 0.6.1:in line 122get_tag_link replace with bb_get_tag_linkin line 138get_tag_page_link replace with bb_get_tag_page_linkthis helped to get the correct link to…