
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Just wondering if you can take a look at this siteThere are three categoriesarchiveseverybody talking aboutammazing reviewsarchivesWhen you click on an individual post within the category it goes to the top one always.It is not going to the right post with the corresponding contentOmar

von Joern
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To give your visitors a button (link) to send the current post they are reading to twitter, you just have to insert a short piece of code into the loop of your WordPress post.Take your themes single.php and add this:<a href="http://twitter.com/home?status=Currently reading <?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="Click to send this post…

von Joern
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Ist das der neue Trojaner sheur? Ich glaube kaum, trotzdem gefällt mir dieses trojanische Pferd. Trojan Horse photographer: GoGap Does any body know anything about this trojan horse?