
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Do you use any add-rotating widget? Looking on different pages of your site, I see more ore less adds.advertising scripts in general go into a widget just as script, not in a <p style="text-align: center;"> with some below (your sidebar-left)I think you modified your sidebar.php too? Your <div id="sidebar-middle"> closes…

von Joern
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Arthemia Premium with Wordpress 3 seems to have a problem here.You can try this:(BACKUP THE FILE sidebar.php in /themes/arthemia-premium/ FIRST!!)open the file sidebar.php of Arthemia Premium and find this:Code:foreach ($postcat as $cp_pC ) {    query_posts('showposts=1&cat=' . $cp_pC . ',-' . $ar_headline . ',-' . $ar_featured); ?>    <div class="spoiler…