
the info you need to know

von Joern
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The tabs on my navbar with sub-categories all open when I hover over the parent tab instead of waiting until I hover over them individually to open. Please watch this Jingcast for a better explanation: http://screencast.com/t/n2Yv4YkP4EG1.Also, how can I fix…

von Joern
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hi, welcome backthe background of the text in the slider is indeed an overlay, it's an image actually!In your style.css the div class="info" tries to load this 'transparent-bg.png' image:#myslider .ui-tabs-panel .info{ position:absolute; top:240px; left:0; width:610px; height:70px; background: url('images/transparent-bg.png');}So what you…

von Joern
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hey still working and editing my arthemia theme and there is a small fix that has really been bugging me but I want it fixed. I would like the posts that show up in my headline/featured to not show up…