
the info you need to know

von Joern
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I guess you query for a certain category and want to show posts of the current author only?Let's say you query for a category like this:query_posts('cat=4');to get this query display only posts of the author you just show, you can get the current author ID like this:$authid=$curauth->ID;and add in the…

von Joern
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still do not get the problem.do you insert a php code in the page editor to let exec-php execute it?I would create a page template for this page, assign in the editor this file as template and put any custom code there.Create a template by using a copy of page.php…

von Joern
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To display the category bar of Arthemia WordPress Theme free version on all pages you can try this:At the end of header.php the last line should be: <div id="page" class="clearfloat">below this put:Code:<?php /* If this is not home because index.php shows this */ if ( !is_home() || is_paged() ) {…