
the info you need to know

von Joern
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ich hatte das plugin customizable post listings in der Sidebar, um die letzten Kommentare aufzulisten. Damit ist es aber nur möglich, den Titel des kommentierten Beitrags anzuzeigen, nicht den Kommentar selbst! Nun bin ich auf das WordPress Plugin: Recent Comments gestossen, welches einige Möglichkeiten mehr bietet: Autor, Datum, Text des…

von Joern
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By the way, I have seen your guide to:Modify the front page view of arthemia to show most recent (newest) post as 'headline', next four older posts as 'featured' and the subsequent posts continuing below.I don´t want to change 'featured', just show most recent (newest) post as 'headline' and the…

von Joern
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with this code:Code:<?php wp_get_archives('type=postbypost&limit=6'); ?>you can easily display the last six posts in your sidebar, but how to get an offset?On frontpage view you actually show your recent posts already, so it makes no sense to display the links to these posts again. I give you a 'switch' showing on…

von Joern
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I think I've seen this elsewhere before but I want to add a block of text to every post that falls in our "blog" category (http://www.iamstaggered.com/category/blogs) explaining how to follow/subscribe to a particular writer if readers want to. Is there an easy way of doing it?Cheers, Andrew.

von Joern
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in addition to above question i would also like to add one more question. How can i add the description of my website. And that description should be displayed in google. Now when i search my site. the content of the recent post comes in as the description. what do…