
Re: quick question about positioning 3 DIVs horizontally and rollover in Arthemia! :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 14. Apr. 2012 | Keine Kommentare

the three boxes:

actually left floating div align beside each other, as long the width of them fits on the div around.

If you have a space of 900px, 3 boxes with 300px will float left beside each other, the next will show up below hat row.

BUT here they have three boxes styled with different colors, so you need a counter to change the name of the divs. (or three queries with different named divs and one post per each)
the counter you find as example in arthemia in index.php for the category bar in div id="middle"
just after the query, before ‚foreach‘ you set a counter, here is $i = 1;
now inside the DIV they echo $i like: div id="homebox<?php echo $i; ?>" which comes out as cat-1, cat-2, cat-3
do not forget to add to the counter at the end of the query <?php $i++; ?>
like this you generate different divs.
If you like the style of the boxes you mentioned, go to this site, view the source code and click on the style.css link.

You will get the full style css of them important for you is




and some lines more
in sourcecode of them you find for each box:

<div class="homebox1">
<div class="clearpos" style="height: 12px;"></div>
<div class="homeboxtitletxtleft">LxxxEvxxx TITLE</div>
<div class="homeboxtitletxtright">
<a href="/MORELINK/">More</a>
<div class="clearpos" style="height: 140px;"></div>
<p class="jointxt">SHORT TEXT</p>
<div class="clearpos" style="height: 30px;"></div>
<p class="simpletxt">LONG TEXTtext</p>
<div class="clearpos" style="height: 10px;"></div>
<p class="untimatetxt"></p>
<div class="clearpos" style="height: 20px;"></div>
<p class="learnmoretxt">
<a href="/MORELINK/">
<span style="font-size: 14px;">»</span>
setting up a query with this styles and use the entries from that style.css you should be able to copy stuff almost exactly

More I can’t help, but there is another sample in boldy, these three homeboxes…
you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook

(von: Joern)

Hier noch 3 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

quick question about positioning 3 DIVs horizontally and rollover in Arthemia!

14. Apr. 2012 (von: omerkhan01)

My site is here My question is two fold. 1. I want to remove my sidebar on my product pages and just have the container or page text area expand to fill that sidebar area. I don't want it to…

Re: quick question about positioning 3 DIVs horizontally and rollover in Arthemia! :: Reply by Joern

14. Apr. 2012 (von: Joern)

first question:you should create a single-post template for this category ( actually for post in this category "if (in_category('our-products-and-services'))" )how to do you find here:http://www.snilesh.com/resources/wordpr ... wordpress/orhttp://www.wprecipes.com/how-to-use-dif ... r-categoryorhttp://lorelle.wordpress.com/2005/09/22 ... ategories/I guess you have only one single.php in your theme…

Re: quick question about positioning 3 DIVs horizontally and rollover in Arthemia! :: Reply by omerkhan01

14. Apr. 2012 (von: omerkhan01)

Yes actually what I did was for the first situation.Created a custom page template and referenced it. WOrks like a charmsee hereI stole the style sheet from another site for formatting and just inputted my own content.I was going to…


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