
the info you need to know

von Joern
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great, you did it...!actually you need to remove in index.php stuff just below<?php if(file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . '/myslider.php')) {include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/myslider.php'); } ?>from here:<div id="top" class="clearfloat"><div id="headline">blabla bla bla down to this part:</div></div></div><?php endwhile; ?></div></div>KEEP the next line and everything below:<div…

von Joern
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Upgrading WordPress from 3.0.5 to 3.1 I realized that the functionCode:<?php the_search_query(); ?>and also get_search_query() is giving different results on Wordpress 3.1while a search for:go41.de/?s=wordpress+custom+querywill display as 'wordpress custom query' using the_search_query()a search with the url /search/ like this:go41.de/search/wordpress custom…