
Re: Tips to enhance accessibility of w3c standards compliant xhtml coded site :: Reply by weblink

von Joern am 30. Okt. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

you have copied this article…look what it mean.

Just imagine a clean and SEO semantic pixel perfect XHTML coded site highly compliant with W3C standards. But, how to get such a web portal.Below, a set of some useful ways highlighted and discussed in brief through which one can improve functionality and accessibility of his W3C standards-compliant website coded with strong XHTML

Just imagine accessibility being created for SEO and not for those users who actually need it to use web sites. And why push XHTML when IE does not even support it? Clearly the author has no idea of the difference of XHTML.

XHTML Namespace And Default Language

It is quite important that the XHTML namespace as well as default language must included in element of the web page of XHTML websites. In fact, setting default namespace and language is the necessity by W3C standards

It is more important to use the right MIME-TYPE, if you do not specify it as XHTML, then you are just serving up poorly written HTML. If you do specify it correctly as a XML language, IE will crash. So if you are serving XHTML as HTML then it is logical to write HTML. XHTML is useless until IE supports it correctly.
With the help of above mentioned questionable techniques, a person can easily tell that the author really has no bloody idea what he/she is on about..
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(von: weblink)

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Tips to enhance accessibility of w3c standards compliant xhtml coded site

27. Okt. 2010 (von: riya)

Just imagine a clean and SEO semantic pixel perfect XHTML coded site highly compliant with W3C standards. But, how to get such a web portal.Below, a set of some useful ways highlighted and discussed in brief through which one can…


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