
frozen smoke

von blogdot admin am 20. Aug. 2007

Ein Gel aus einem NASA Labor zu 99.8 Prozent aus Luft.

Die Substanz, beschrieben als ‚gefrorener Rauch‘ für sein dunstig blaues Aussehen, ist ein neues auf Silikon basierendes Material um Partikel im tiefen Weltraum zu sammeln.

This frozen smoke, technically known as aerogel, is an extraordinary material that may find a way into your home sometime in the near future. As engineers discover ways to make this substance more affordable, the ‘Frozen smoke’ could protect electronics from annoying static. It would shield circuits from disruption and possible damage from nearby motors and more. A porous new material can help shield electronic circuits and computer chips from Technology. Wonder stuff: to clean the world. By Ben Crystall. 8 October 2014. (Image: Craig Mackie) Almost as light as air, aerogels are a heavyweight solution for everything from Frozen Smoke | NASA Spinoff . Aerogel is the lightest solid material known. Some call it " " others see it as "pet cloud." Despite its density—three times that of air—the material has tremendous insulating capability. NASA scientists have found Tags: frozen, smoke, nasa, The lecture explored many technologies including , an aerogel claimed to be the world's lightest solid. is extremely strong, highly insulating and transparent, and is now being used to radically reduce heat

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