
the info you need to know

von Joern
5 Kommentare

Here you find the download link and the ReadMe to be able to set up the theme Aranovo The free Aranovo Theme features Unique layout with a jQuery Content Slider on top of the homepage view Automatic Image Resizer (timthumb),…

von Joern
1 Kommentar

New! Beautiful! WordPress theme series Barthami is ready for you. The Barthami Theme features: Unique layout with a jQuery Content Slider on top of the homepage view Automatic Image Resizer (timthumb), to dynamically create and size cached thumbnails for the…

von Joern
1 Kommentar

Here you find the download link and the ReadMe to be able to set up the theme Arthemix Green The free Arthemix Green Theme features Unique layout with a jQuery Content Slider on top of the homapage view Automatic Image…

von Joern
Kommentare deaktiviert für Arthemix Bronze free WordPress theme

Here you find the download link and the ReadMe to be able to set up the theme Arthemix Bronze The free Arthemix Bronze Theme features Unique layout with a jQuery Content Slider on top of the homapage view Automatic Image…

von Joern
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just as a reference:YouTube supplies thumbnails for a given video.ID in this way:http://img.youtube.com/vi/MKczB_9LChY/0.jpghttp://img.youtube.com/vi/MKczB_9LChY/1.jpgeg:img.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO-ID/0.jpg is a 320x240 imageimg.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO-ID/1.jpg is a 130x92 imageusing a custom field in WordPress (video-ID) with value 'videoID' you can create a function to display the thumbnail of…