
the info you need to know

von Joern
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I gave you a new style above (gives just the image).jw-add-side {color:#FFFFFF;line-height:normal;position:fixed;right:0;top:100px;}if you want to keep the blue sample you can move the image inside with.jw-add-side img {margin-left:30px;margin-top:135px;}1 am already, good night...____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook

von Joern
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Hey dude, this is what I got, as your suggestion..jw-add-side {background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #59B7FF;border:1px solid #FFFFFF;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:16px;height:160px;line-height:normal;position:fixed;right:0;top:100px;width:80px;}.jw-add-side img {vertical-align:bottom;} But my twitter image is stuck at the top still. What if I want to align it to the bottom…

von Joern
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Hey man, You can go to this site.http://maaximummedia.byethost7.com/As you can see I have a box(A div region called "jw-add-side"I also have added the fixed position feedback tab.The script for that is:Code:<script src="http://visitorcontact.com/scripts/7293.js" type="text/javascript"></script>I have written something in the Div -jw-add-side…

von Joern
3 Kommentare

aranovo WordPress theme Theme Description: Aranovo theme is using an image slider for the first four posts integrated into Wordpress. Gravatar and threaded comment support is included. An automatic thumbnail resizer (timthumb) using a customfield manages the size of images…

von Joern
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if you start to change something in style.css undera:link, a:visited { color: #3c78a7; text-decoration:none }a:hover, a:active { color: #3c78a7; text-decoration:underline; }you will get this changes all over your site, let's say you changetext-decoration:nonetotext-decoration:underlinein the a:link part, all your links in…

von Joern
5 Kommentare

Screenshots of available themes: (quite old, still working, please replace timthumb script with latest secure version...) aranovo2 WordPress theme Theme Description: Aranovo2 theme is using an image (post) slider for the first five posts on the frontpage. Images you can…