
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Upgrading WordPress from 3.0.5 to 3.1 I realized that the functionCode:<?php the_search_query(); ?>and also get_search_query() is giving different results on Wordpress 3.1while a search for:go41.de/?s=wordpress+custom+querywill display as 'wordpress custom query' using the_search_query()a search with the url /search/ like this:go41.de/search/wordpress custom…

von Joern
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Hi Joern, I'm finally updating all of our static content which means more content heading up to the nav bar and consequently things are getting a bit crowded. What I'd really like to do is move the search bar so…

von Joern
1 Kommentar

Would anyone be able to 'walk me through' how to implement this onto my wordpressFavourite Image RatingI wouldn't want it for ALL photos only selected ones also but it's getting it onto my site in the first place -wordpress newbie.…