
Re: How to display grid of authors :: Reply by adamwork

von Joern am 13. Jul. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

joern thanks for getting back. the top version works well, but displays the admin.
the bottom version is good, but only displays the first name over and over again.
Therefore, how can I include the exlude admin into the first one?

also, where should I include the userphoto($user->ID); in the first set of code?
thanks for your help

(von: adamwork)

Hier noch 3 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

How to display grid of authors

13. Jul. 2010 (von: adamwork)

I understand that you can use <?php list_authors(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); ?> to display the list of all the authors on the site. But how would you go about setting up a grid with a picture of each author, their name,…

Re: How to display grid of authors :: Reply by Joern

13. Jul. 2010 (von: Joern)

list_authors is now wp_list_authors and loops in itself with some arguments you can set.So here you can't include the image of the 'user photo' plugin (userphoto_the_author_photo).You have to create a custom loop, a sample query for users you find here:List…

Re: How to display grid of authors :: Reply by Joern

13. Jul. 2010 (von: Joern)

no idea how to exclude the admin in top query, you could do something like this inside the loop, it will jump the author with id=1:Code:if ( '1' == $author->ID ) { continue;}no idea again if following code will show…


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