
Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 25. Mai. 2012 | Keine Kommentare


I think you have to talk to the feed suplier or read their guidelines.

This feed is working only on a site using an authorized API key.

go to http://www.offergrid.com/about-gridapi/ to read some details, they even have a live chat system asking if you need help.

As soon your site is able to display this feed inside a widget, we can try to get it into a good looking shape.
you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook

(von: Joern)

Hier noch 10 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Arthemia Latest post show full content

2. Mai. 2012 (von: killdbill.com)

Hi I just want the latest post should not display full post rather it should show the same as in headline "Read More" can anyone please please please suggest how to do that??I am not a coder and don't even…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by master

2. Mai. 2012 (von: master)

Okay, I think you mean the post just below the category bar?the most easy way would be to insert a quicktag called 'more' into your post at your desired "cut-off" point.It looks like this:<!--more-->and you put it into your post…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by killdbill.com

3. Mai. 2012 (von: killdbill.com)

Hey I tried the undermentioned way and it worked great was not able to apply <!--more--> tag, you rock!!!<?php the_excerpt(); ?><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>">Read the full story &raquo;</a>I really don't know how to…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by killdbill.com

3. Mai. 2012 (von: killdbill.com)

Hi I need your help again, my website is working fine now apart from that the old data is not showing up on my website. I mean to say previous posts are getting hidden, how can I enable paging in…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by Joern

3. Mai. 2012 (von: Joern)

in the index.php you gave me above, I can see pagination is only working if you use a plugin:<div id="navigation"><?php if(function_exists('wp_pagenavi')) { wp_pagenavi(); } ?></div>this one: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-pagenavi/maybe it's already there and you disabled it?in Arthemia free the code is looking…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by killdbill.com

4. Mai. 2012 (von: killdbill.com)

Thanks a lot for your help again, I got what I wanted.... its great to be a part of this website...Made my life easier... thanks again YOU ROCK!! Weiterlesen →

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by killdbill.com

24. Mai. 2012 (von: killdbill.com)

Hi I need your help again, I have got an xml link from a vendor which provides feeds, now can you suggest me how do I insert that link (xml) one on my website so that the content flows automatically,…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by Joern

24. Mai. 2012 (von: Joern)

did you try first of all a sidebar wiget under Admin/Appearance/Widgets/RSSIf this shows the content of this xml-link you would be one step further.Do you want to show a 'Flow' of text only like a news ticker?Are there images in…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by killdbill.com

24. Mai. 2012 (von: killdbill.com)

It comes up with something while I am using the widget but say unknown feed!! you can check it right know. Yes there are images as well.the link is http://www.offergrid.com/allfeed/feeds/ ... f129adc016 something like this, it helps to generate all…

Re: Arthemia Latest post show full content :: Reply by killdbill.com

26. Mai. 2012 (von: killdbill.com)

ok just to update i hv gt an API key but i have not used it anywhere may be this is where i m missin.... see m nt very good at coding part, can u plz help how to use…


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