
need help with redirect url problem please!

von Joern am 5. Mai. 2012 | Keine Kommentare

You can go to this sitehttp://www.codeglam.netti.net Click on Login

and enter admin and jenny123 for password. Then click on logout. When you click on logout it takes you back to the login page as it should.
Now on Godaddy, they have given me a stupid temporary URL which is a test url I can use or subdomain .
Here is thesame site with GoDaddy

WHen you try login in and then log out, it takes you to the login for the Dashboard of wordpress.
Here is the url I get when I click on log out
http://www.codeglam.com.previewdns.com/ … F&reauth=1
I don’t want this

(von: omerkhan01)

Hier noch 1 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Re: need help with redirect url problem please! :: Reply by omerkhan01

5. Mai. 2012 (von: omerkhan01)

I solved it. It was a database issue. Thanks! Weiterlesen →


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