
Fix for rel=”category tag” – Bad value category tag for HTML5 themes

von Joern am 25. Dez. 2011 | Keine Kommentare

Using more HTML5 themes with WordPress I found that the W3C doesn’t validate all HTML5 output of WordPress.

The error I am talking of is:
Bad value category tag for attribute rel on element a: Keyword category is not registered.
WordPress adds to the category list of each post: rel="category tag"

The HTML5 Conformance Checker however would like to see only rel="tag"
The solution is to filter "<?php the_category(‚, ‚); ?>" (the list of categories generated)
most themes have already a functions.php to add or modify functions of WordPress.
Best for me seems to be to add a filter into this file, which replaces rel="category tag" with rel="tag"
The lines to add to functions.php:
function remove_rel_category( $text ) { // w3c error for Bad value category tag for attribute rel
$text = str_replace(‚rel="category tag"‘, ‚rel="tag"‘, $text);
return $text;
add_filter( ‚the_category‘, ‚remove_rel_category‘ );
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