Hi, in working with code for a plugin, I managed to get this error. Can you help me out?
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/kinyofu/public_html/empoweringwomenslives.com/wp-content/themes/arthemia-screwed/functions.php:2) in /home/kinyofu/public_html/empoweringwomenslives.com/wp-includes/classes.php on line 1601
(von: kinyofu)
Hier noch 1 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Re: Warning error – Cannot modify header information :: Reply by Joern
17. Feb. 2011 (von: Joern)
looks like you 'screwed' your functions.phpmost important, this file has to end with?>and no space or new line after the last sign.You might have another error inside this file or load a function which you load elsewhere another time.Start with…