you are a genius! it works perfectly now!
thank you SO SO much!!
(von: brianliau)
Hier noch 7 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Category Spoiler not showing up correctly in Arthemia
26. Sep. 2010 (von: brianliau)
Hi everyone,need some help on this.I'm using Arthemia Premium and for some reason, I can't get the category spoiler to show the title of the category at all.All i see if a the arrow and the post excerpt. Everything works,…
Re: Category Spoiler not showing up correctly in Arthemia :: Reply by f-t-cat
27. Sep. 2010 (von: f-t-cat)
Arthemia Premium with Wordpress 3 seems to have a problem here.You can try this:(BACKUP THE FILE sidebar.php in /themes/arthemia-premium/ FIRST!!)open the file sidebar.php of Arthemia Premium and find this:Code:foreach ($postcat as $cp_pC ) { query_posts('showposts=1&cat=' . $cp_pC . ',-'…
Re: Category Spoiler not showing up correctly in Arthemia :: Reply by khamtv
7. Nov. 2010 (von: khamtv)
Hi everyone,I am using this template for my website, the name of spoiler categories are presented but there are not any posts in these categories. Anyone can help me to display posts in spoiler categories?Thanks Weiterlesen →
Re: Category Spoiler not showing up correctly in Arthemia :: Reply by f-t-cat
8. Nov. 2010 (von: f-t-cat)
what happens if you click on the category link in the present categories?You should get an archive page with the posts in this category. Are there any?It's the first time someone has no posts displayed under the category.Arthemia Premium owners…
Re: Category Spoiler not showing up correctly in Arthemia :: Reply by daus89
5. Dez. 2010 (von: daus89)
how to turn on category spoiler.. please help! Weiterlesen →
Re: Category Spoiler not showing up correctly in Arthemia :: Reply by ksharpesays
4. Jan. 2011 (von: ksharpesays)
Hi I'm having problems with arthemia v.2 free- my site address is http://blog.uvisor.com --> the primary issue I am having is that I can't get things to show up in the "Featured" section (as you can see) because the post…
Re: Category Spoiler not showing up correctly in Arthemia :: Reply by f-t-cat
5. Jan. 2011 (von: f-t-cat)
I guess you managed it already - there are posts now.Did you put the posts now in a category with 'featured' slug?You could have also tell the theme in index.php to use any other category by editing one line you…