
modification of WP SEO Tags plugin

von Joern am 23. Sep. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

I like to use this Plugin Name: WP SEO Tags ( Plugin URI: http://www.saquery.com/wordpress/wp-seo-tags ) to add Tag-Search-Page for each Keyword Phrase logged and moderated before they appear. The problem for me was an ever increasing table in my database (wpseotags_referer)

What to do to stop this? I added a function to delete items from this table which are marked as deleted and not used anymore.

I also added a function to stop logging but still have the plugin running to serve the ‚tags template‘
for WordPress users with advanced knowledge I just include my modified wp-seo-tags.php here.
Be careful, do not just replace the file with the original version!
There are changes in the DEFAULT CHARSET which is here utf8

and also changes in a FULLTEXT table where I changed (post_title,post_content) to (post_name,post_content)

to be compatible to a Plugin Name: ©Feed ( http://bueltge.de/wp-feed-plugin/204/ )
Additionally I do not use widgets, its removed.
the full modified code FOR ADVANCED USERS to take just what you need by comparing the files side by side:

Plugin Name: WP SEO Tags
Plugin URI: http://www.saquery.com/wordpress/wp-seo-tags
Description: WP SEO Tags
Version: 2.2 edited by Joern
Author: Stephan Ahlf
Author URI: http://saquery.com
global $wpseotags_preview;
$wpseotags_preview = false;
$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable = $wpdb->prefix."wpseotags_referer";
$saqClickCheck_db_version = "0.1";

function saq_wpseotags_DBSetup() {
global $wpdb;
$sql="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable."(
q varchar(255) NOT NULL,
blogtarget varchar(255) NOT NULL,
target varchar(255) NOT NULL,
hits INT(11) NOT NULL default 1,
moderated INT(1) NOT NULL default 0,
deleted INT(1) NOT NULL default 0,
engine varchar(255) NOT NULL,
require_once(ABSPATH . ‚wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php‘);

$sql="CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX post_related ON ".$wpdb->posts."(post_name,post_content);";
if(isset($_GET[‚activate‘]) && $_GET[‚activate‘] == ‚true‘)
add_action(‚init‘, ’saq_wpseotags_DBSetup‘);

if (function_exists(‚load_plugin_textdomain‘)) {
if ( !defined(‚WP_PLUGIN_DIR‘) ) {
load_plugin_textdomain(‚wp-seo-tags‘, str_replace( ABSPATH, “, dirname(__FILE__) ));
} else {
load_plugin_textdomain(‚wp-seo-tags‘, false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)));
function saq_wpseotags_is_keyword() {
return (strtolower(substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 1, 4))=="tags") ;

function saq_wpseotags_keywords_parseQuery() {
if (saq_wpseotags_is_keyword()) {
global $wp_query, $wpdb;
$wp_query->is_single = false;
$wp_query->is_page = false;
$wp_query->is_archive = false;
$wp_query->is_search = false;
$wp_query->is_home = false;
$arr = explode("/",strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
$keys = $arr[2];

$sql = "select count(*) from ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." where target = ‚$keys‘ and moderated = 1 and deleted = 0";

if ($cnt>0 || current_user_can(‚edit_users‘)){
$wp_query->is_search = true;
add_action(‚template_redirect‘, ’saq_wpseotags_keywords_includeTemplate‘);

function saq_wpseotags_keywords_includeTemplate() {
if (saq_wpseotags_is_keyword()) {
//add_filter(‚wp_title‘, ’saq_wpseotags_title‘);
add_filter(‚the_title‘, ’saq_wpseotags_title‘);
//add_filter(‚wp_footer‘, ’saq_wpseotags_add_footer‘);
$template = TEMPLATEPATH . "/wp-seo-tags-template.php";

function saq_wpseotags_title(){
global $searchphrase, $blogname;
$result = str_replace("%blogname%",get_bloginfo(’name‘),saq_(‚Search for %searchphrase% on %blogname%‘));
$result = str_replace("%searchphrase%",saq_wpseotags_getTitleKeyWords(),$result);
$result = urldecode($result);
remove_filter(‚the_title‘, ’saq_wpseotags_title‘);
return $result;

function seo_tags_drop_deleted()
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." WHERE deleted = 1");

function saq_wpseotags_logSearchEngineQuery(){
global $wpdb;

$engines[‚google.‘] = ‚q=‘;
$engines[‚altavista.com‘] = ‚q=‘;
$engines[’search.msn.‘] = ‚q=‘;
$engines[‚yahoo.‘] = ‚p=‘;
$engines[‚bing.‘] = ‚q=‘;
$engines[‚yandex.‘] = ‚text=‘;

$referer = $_SERVER[‚HTTP_REFERER‘];
$blogtarget = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$ref_arr = parse_url("$referer");
$ref_host = $ref_arr[‚host‘];

foreach($engines as $host => $skey){
if (strpos($ref_host, $host) !== false){

$res_query = urldecode($ref_arr[‚query‘]);
if (preg_match("/{$engines[$host]}(.*?)&/si",$res_query."&",$matches)){
$query = trim($matches[1]);
$query = str_replace(‚+‘, ‚-‚, $query);
$target = str_replace("’","“",str_replace(";","",sanitize_title_with_dashes($query)));
$sql= "insert into ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable.
"(q, blogtarget, target,engine) VALUES (‚$query‘, ‚$blogtarget‘,’$target‘, ‚$ref_host‘) ON duplicate KEY UPDATE hits=hits+1, DT=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
$msg="SearchEngineRedirect successful logged.";
try {
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
$sql = "select count(*) from ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." where moderated = 1 and target = ‚$target’";
if ($cnt>0){
$sql = "update ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." set moderated = 1 where moderated = 0 and target = ‚$target’";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
$sql = "select count(*) from ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." where deleted = 1 and target = ‚$target’";
if ($cnt>0){
$sql = "update ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." set deleted = 1 where deleted = 0 and target = ‚$target’";
$result = $wpdb->query($sql);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "n<!– WP SEO Tags : $parm ; http://saquery.com/wp-seo-tags/ –>n" ;

function saq_wpseotags_add_meta(){
if (saq_wpseotags_is_keyword()) {
echo "n<!– WP SEO Tags – http://www.saquery.com/ –>" .
"n<meta name="keywords" content="" . urldecode(saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords()) . "" />".
"n<link rel="canonical" href="".get_bloginfo(‚url‘)."/tags/".saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords("-")."/" />".
"n<!– // WP SEO Tags –>n";

if (get_option(’seotags_logging‘) == "1")
saq_wpseotags_logSearchEngineQuery(); echo "<!– logging enabled –>";
} else {
echo "<!– logging disabled –>";


add_action(‚wp_head‘, ’saq_wpseotags_add_meta‘, 0);

//print_radd_cacheaction("add_cacheaction", "saq_wpseotags_add_meta");

function saq_keywords_createRewriteRules($rewrite) {
global $wp_rewrite;

// add rewrite tokens
$keytag_token = ‚%‘ . $KEYWORDS_QUERYVAR . ‚%‘;
$wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag($keytag_token, ‚(.+)‘, $KEYWORDS_QUERYVAR . ‚=‘);

$keywords_structure = $wp_rewrite->root . $KEYWORDS_QUERYVAR . "/$keytag_token";
$keywords_rewrite = $wp_rewrite->generate_rewrite_rules($keywords_structure);
try {
//print_r($rewrite );
if ( gettype($rewrite) == "array" && gettype($keywords_rewrite) == "array" ) {
return ( $rewrite + $keywords_rewrite );
} else {
return $rewrite;
// return array_merge($rewrite,$keywords_rewrite);
} catch (Exception $e) {
add_action(‚parse_query‘, ’saq_wpseotags_keywords_parseQuery‘);
add_filter(‚generate_rewrite_rules‘, ’saq_keywords_createRewriteRules‘);

function saq_($txt){
return __($txt,’wp-seo-tags‘);
function saq_wpseotags_adminoptions1(){
global $wpdb;

if ($_POST[‚delete‘]){
$sql= "update ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." set deleted = 1 where target in "."(‚".implode("‘,’",array_keys($_POST))."‘)";
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if ($_POST[‚unmoderate‘]){
$sql= "update ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." set moderated = 0 where target in "."(‚".implode("‘,’",array_keys($_POST))."‘)";
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if ($_POST[‚undelete‘]){
$sql= "update ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." set deleted = 0 where target in "."(‚".implode("‘,’",array_keys($_POST))."‘)";
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if ($_POST[’submit‘]){
$sql= "update ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." set moderated = 1 where target in "."(‚".implode("‘,’",array_keys($_POST))."‘)";
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

update_option(’seotags_logging‘, $_POST[’seotags_logging‘]);
echo ‚<div class="updated"><p><strong>Options saved</strong></p></div>‘;

echo ‚<div class="updated"><p><strong>deleted items removed from database</strong></p></div>‘;

function CkAllNone(obj,id){
var _a=document.getElementById(id).getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
for (var i=0;i<_a.length;i++) _a[i].checked=obj.checked;
$where = "where deleted = 0 and moderated = 0";

if ($_POST[’showmoderated‘]){
$where = "where deleted = 0 and moderated=1";
if ($_POST[’showdeleted‘]){
$where = "where deleted = 1";
if ($_POST["saq_txt_the_filter"]){
$where .= " and target like ‚%".$_POST["saq_txt_the_filter"]."%’";

$query = "SELECT target, moderated, deleted, max(dt) as dt from ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable ." $where group by target, moderated, deleted order by moderated asc, dt desc";
$res = $wpdb->get_results($query);
echo ‚<div name="top" id="icon-tools" class="icon32"><br /></div>
<h2>‘.saq_(‚Moderate incoming searchengine keywords‘).'</h2>
<div class="form-wrap">
<p><strong>‘.saq_(‚Tip‘).‘:</strong><br />‘.saq_(‚You can check if new incoming search queries deliver results in WP SEO Tag Search. Only Keyswords with a length of more than 3 letters will be considered‘).‘.</p>
<p><strong>In Sidebar limit is 20, results limited to 10 – JW</strong></p>‘;
<form id="seo_tags_options" method="post" action="">
<table class="optiontable">

<td><?php if (get_option(’seotags_logging‘))$checked=’checked="checked"‘; else $checked=“; ?>
<input class="checkbox" id="seotags_logging" name="seotags_logging" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo $checked; ?> />
<th scope="row">Check to Enable Logging</th>

<p class="submit">
<input name="seo_tags_options_submit" value="Save Logging Option" type="submit" onclick="javascript:return(confirm(‚Are you sure to save optins?‘))">
This will save the logging option, disabled logging will not save new searches! <?php if (get_option(’seotags_logging‘) == "1") { echo "<strong>logging is currently enabled</strong>";} else { echo "<strong>logging is disabled</strong>";} ?>
<p class="submit">
<input name="seo_tags_delete_deleted" value="Remove ‚deleted‘ from Db" type="submit" onclick="javascript:return(confirm(‚Are you sure to delete all items marked DELETED?‘))">
This will delete all items marked ‚Deleted‘!
echo "<form id="frm_wpseo" action="" method="post">";
echo "<input type="checkbox" onclick="CkAllNone(this,’frm_wpseo‘);" />".saq_(‚Select all items in list‘).".";
echo "<hr /><table class="form-table" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10">";
echo "<tr><th>".saq_(‚Selection‘)."</th>";
echo "<th>URL</th>";
echo "<th>".saq_(‚Last Searchengine Visitor‘)."</th>";
echo "<th>".saq_(‚Moderated‘)."</th>";
echo "<th>".saq_(‚Deleted‘)."</th>";
echo "</tr>";
foreach($res as $row) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td><input type="checkbox" name="$row->target" value="1" /></td>";
$lnk = "<a title="Test new WP SEO Tag Search URL…" href="".get_bloginfo(‚url‘)."/tags/".$row->target."" target="_blank">$row->target</a>";
$lnk = urldecode($lnk);
echo "<td>$lnk</td>";
echo "<td>".$row->dt."</td>";
if ($row->moderated==1){
$chk = "<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" />";
} else {
$chk = "<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" />";
echo "<td>$chk</td>";
if ($row->deleted==1){
$chk = "<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" />";
} else {
$chk = "<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" />";
echo "<td>$chk</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$_btn = "<input type="submit" style="width:170px;"";
$_txt = "<input type="text" style="width:130px;"";
$delim=" » ";
echo "</table><hr />";
echo "$_btn name="submit" value="".saq_(‚Moderate‘)."" onclick="return confirm(‚".saq_(‚Mark selected URLs as moderated now‘)."?‘);" />$delim";
echo "$_btn name="delete" value="".saq_(‚Delete‘)."" onclick="return confirm(‚".saq_(‚Mark selected URLs as deleted now‘)."?‘);" />$delim";
echo "$_btn name="unmoderate" value="".saq_(‚Remove moderation‘)."" onclick="return confirm(‚".saq_(‚Mark selected URLs as unmoderated now‘)."?‘);" />$delim";
echo "$_btn name="undelete" value="".saq_(‚Undelete‘)."" onclick="return confirm(‚".saq_(‚Undelete selected URLs now‘)."?‘);" />";
echo "<hr />";
echo "$_btn name="refresh" value="".saq_(‚Show unmoderated‘)."" />$delim";
echo "$_btn name="showmoderated" value="".saq_(‚Show moderated‘)."" onclick="return confirm(‚".saq_(‚Show all moderated URLs now‘)."?‘);" />$delim";
echo "$_btn name="showdeleted" value="".saq_(‚Show deleted‘)."" onclick="return confirm(‚".saq_(‚Show all deleted URLs now‘)."?‘);" />$delim";
echo "Url-Text-Filter:$delim";
echo "$_txt name="saq_txt_the_filter" name="saq_txt_the_filter"";
if ($_POST["saq_txt_the_filter"]) echo " value="".$_POST["saq_txt_the_filter"].""";
echo " />";
echo "</form>";

echo ‚</div></div>‘;

function saq_wpseotags_admin_menu(){
add_submenu_page(‚options-general.php‘, ‚WP SEO Tags options‘, ‚WP SEO Tags‘, 8, __FILE__, ’saq_wpseotags_adminoptions1′);

add_action(‚admin_menu‘, ’saq_wpseotags_admin_menu‘);

function saq_array_insert(&$array, $insert, $position = -1) {
$position = ($position == -1) ? (count($array)) : $position ;
if($position != (count($array))) {
$ta = $array;
for($i = $position; $i < (count($array)); $i++) {
$tmp[$i+1] = $array[$i];
$ta[$position] = $insert;
$array = $ta + $tmp;
} else {
$array[$position] = $insert;

return true;

function saq_wpseotags_strArrayFilter($val){
return (strlen($val)>2);

function saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords($delimiter=",", $maxKeywordLength=-1){
$arr = explode("/",strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
if ($maxKeywordLength==-1){
} else {
$keys = explode("-",$arr[2]);
$keys = array_filter($keys, "saq_wpseotags_strArrayFilter");
$result = implode($delimiter, $keys);
return $result;
function saq_wpseotags_getTitleKeyWords(){
$_orWord = saq_(‚or‘);
$keys = explode(",",saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords(",",3));//explode("-", $arr[2]);
if (count($keys)>1) saq_array_insert($keys, $_orWord, count($keys)-1);
foreach($keys as $item){
if ($item!=$_orWord) $item = ucfirst($item);
$result .= $item." ";
return trim($result);

function saq_wpseotags_sortByLength($a,$b){
if($a == $b) return 0;

return (count(explode(" ",$a)) > count(explode(" ",$b)) ? -1 : 1);

function saq_wpseotags_permutations($end, $start = 0){
if($start == $end)return array(array($end));
if($start > $end)list($start, $end) = array($end, $start);
$rtn = array(array($start));
for($i = $start + 1; $i <= $end; $i++){
$temp = array();
foreach($rtn as $k => $v) for($j = 0; $j <= count($v); $j++)$temp[] = saq_wpseotags_array__insert($v, $i, $j);
$rtn = $temp;
return array_reverse($rtn);

function saq_wpseotags_array__insert($array, $num, $pos){
foreach($array as $k => $v){
if($k == $pos)$rtn[] = $num;
$rtn[] = $v;
if($k < $pos) $rtn[] = $num;
return $rtn;

function saq_wpseotags_word_strings($in){
$words = preg_split(‚/s+/‘, $in);
$perms = saq_wpseotags_permutations(($c = count($words)) – 1);
$code = ‚foreach($perms as $v)$rtn[] = implode(" ", array(‚;
$comma = “;
for($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++){
$code .= $comma.’$words[$v[‚.$i.‘]]‘;
$comma =‘,‘;
$code .= ‚));‘;
return $rtn;

function saq_wpseotags_keyWordCombo($array){
$results = array(array());
foreach ($array as $element)
foreach ($results as $combination)
$p = array();
foreach($results as $combo) if (implode(" ", $combo)!="") array_push($p, implode(" ", $combo)) ;

$r = array();
foreach ($p as $i1) {
// array_push($r, $i1);
$k = saq_wpseotags_word_strings($i1);
foreach($k as $i2) array_push($r, $i2);

return $r;



function saq_wpseotags_the_excerpt($txt, $keys, $permaLink){
$result = $txt;
for($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++){
$replace = "<a href="".$permaLink."">".$key."</a>";
preg_match_all(‚#[^>]+(?=<[^/])|[^>]+$#‘, $result, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $val) {
$result = str_ireplace($val[0],str_ireplace($key,$replace,$val[0]),$result);
$hits = $hits+1;
//if (strlen($result)>300) $result = substr(0,200,$result);
return $result;

function getFadedColor($pCol, $pPercentage) {
$pPercentage = 100 – $pPercentage;
$rgbValues = array_map( ‚hexDec‘, str_split( ltrim($pCol, ‚#‘), 2 ) );

for ($i = 0, $len = count($rgbValues); $i < $len; $i++) {
$rgbValues[$i] = decHex( floor($rgbValues[$i] + (255 – $rgbValues[$i]) * ($pPercentage / 100) ) );

return ‚#‘.implode(“, $rgbValues);

function saq_wpseotags_getSqlQuery($keys, $boolKeys, $allwaysIncludeTarget){
global $wpdb;
$s=" SELECT *,
post_name, post_content
) AS relevance
FROM ".$wpdb->posts."
(post_status = ‚publish‘
post_name, post_content

if ($allwaysIncludeTarget) $s=$s." or post_name=’".saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords(‚-‚)."’";
$s=$s." HAVING relevance > 0.1
ORDER BY relevance DESC
LIMIT 0 , 10";

return $s;

function saq_wpseotags_getpost($r,$id){
while (list($key, $post) = each($r)) if ($post->ID==$id) return $post;

function saq_wpseotags_printRealtedPosts(){
global $wpdb,$wp_query;
$keys = str_replace(";","",str_replace("’","“",saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords(" ",3)));
$keys1 = "+".str_replace(",",", +",$keys);

$sql2 = saq_wpseotags_getSqlQuery($keys, """.$keys.""", false);
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql2);
// $wpdb->show_errors();
if (!$res){
$sql2 = saq_wpseotags_getSqlQuery($keys, $keys1, false);
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql2);
if (!$res){
$keys1 = trim(str_replace("+","",$keys1));
$sql2 = saq_wpseotags_getSqlQuery($keys, $keys1, true);
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql2);

// print_r($sql2);
foreach ($res as $row){
if ($maxScore==null) $maxScore=$row->relevance;
$_res[$row->ID] = $row->ID;


if ($posts) {
$args = array(
’numberposts‘ => 10,
‚include‘ => $_ids
$resultByTextSearch = get_posts($args);
} else {
$posts = query_posts( array( ‚post__in‘ => $res_2 ) );

if (!$resultByTextSearch){
$args = array(
’numberposts‘ => 10,
‚orderby‘ => ‚date‘,
‚tag’=> saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords()
$attachments = get_posts($args);

$printed = array();
$arr = explode("/",strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
if ($arr[1]=="tags"){
$keys=explode("-", $arr[2]);
$_keys = array_filter($keys, "saq_wpseotags_strArrayFilter");
$_keys = array_unique($_keys);
$_keys = saq_wpseotags_keyWordCombo(array_slice($_keys, 0, 5));

$txt = str_replace("%URI%",get_bloginfo(‚url‘)."/tags/$arr[2]/", saq_("This is only a Preview! %URI% is not moderated! You can view this page because you have an administrative userrole"));
if ($wp_query->saq_wpseotags_preview) echo "<i><p style="padding:5px;background:black;color:red"><strong>$txt</strong></p></i>";

$t=str_replace("%searchphrase%",$t, saq_(‚Looking for %searchphrase%‘));
echo "<h2>".$t."?</h2>";
echo "<h3>".saq_(‚We have the following articles on these keywords for you‘)."…</h3>";

global $post;
if ($resultByTextSearch) foreach ($_res as $POST_ID) {

$post = saq_wpseotags_getpost($resultByTextSearch, $POST_ID);

$defaultColor = getFadedColor("#6666FF", 10);

if (!$printed[$post->ID] && $res2[$post->ID]>0){
$permaLink = get_permalink();//get_permalink($post->ID);
echo "n<h3>";
echo "<a ";
if ($res2[$post->ID]==100) echo "style="display:block;color:red;background:".$defaultColor."" ";
echo "href="";the_permalink();echo "">";the_title();echo "</a>";
echo "</h3>n";
//echo $post->ID;
if ($res2[$post->ID]==100) {
echo "n<p style="background:".$defaultColor."">";
} else {
echo "n<p>";

echo saq_wpseotags_the_excerpt(get_the_excerpt(), $_keys, $permaLink) ;
echo "</p>n";
echo ‚<p style="‘;
if ($res2[$post->ID]==100) {
echo ‚font:bold;color:red;background:‘.$defaultColor.‘;‘;
} else {
echo ‚background:‘.getFadedColor("#CCCCFF", $res2[$post->ID]).‘;‘;
echo ‚font-size:xx-small;font-weight:bold;">Relevanz: ‚. number_format($res2[$post->ID],2).’%</p>‘;
echo "<hr />";

if ($attachments) foreach ($attachments as $post) {
if (!$printed[$post->ID]){
echo "<h3>";
echo "<a href="".get_permalink()."">";the_title();echo "</a>";
echo "</h3>";
echo saq_wpseotags_the_excerpt(the_excerpt(), $_keys, get_permalink());
echo "<br /><hr />";

$w = "target like ‚%".str_replace(" " , "%‘ or target like ‚%", str_replace(";","",str_replace("’","“",saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords(" ",3))))."%’";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." WHERE target <> ‚".saq_wpseotags_getMetaKeyWords("-")."‘ and ($w) and moderated = 1 and deleted = 0
order by hits desc, dt desc
LIMIT 0 , 6";

echo "n<h3>Relevante Ergebnisse:</h3>";
$res = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if ($res) {
echo "n<ul>";
foreach ($res as $row){
echo "n<li>";
echo "<a href="".get_bloginfo(‚url‘)."/tags/".$row->target."/" target="_self" title="".htmlspecialchars($row->q)."" >".htmlspecialchars($row->q)."</a> (".$row->hits." hits)";
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul><hr />";

//widget was here

// manual no widget
function wpseotags_widget() {
global $wpdb;
$sql=" SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->wpseotags_dbTable." WHERE moderated = 1 AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0 , 20";
foreach($rows as $row){
$t="Via ".str_replace("www.", "", htmlspecialchars($row->engine));
$a = "<a title="".htmlspecialchars($row->q)."" href="".get_bloginfo(‚url‘)."/tags/".$row->target."/">".urldecode(htmlspecialchars($row->q))."</a>";
echo "n<li>$a</li>";

} ;
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