
Re: adding first image from post to front page spoiler :: Reply by msderky

von Joern am 28. Aug. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

hmm i reset the query but that didnt make a difference. when i echo the value of the id it was correct id with the post but when i echo the image_src it was not the right one for the post. it was a image for a different post in the loop…im still messing with it though because i have the same code 2 other times and it works good but something just about this one isnt displaying correctly…

(von: msderky)

Hier noch 4 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

adding first image from post to front page spoiler

12. Aug. 2010 (von: msderky)

hi so i have done some modification to my index.php. on the frontpage the code i am using is the index.php from your website, where you select one post from each category to be displayed on the frontpage. what i…

Re: adding first image from post to front page spoiler :: Reply by Joern

18. Aug. 2010 (von: Joern)

actually this code inside the else statement looks well, if there is showing even an image it's good.It should show the first image of the post you just display, to debug I sometimes just echo the values I set to…

Re: adding first image from post to front page spoiler :: Reply by Joern

28. Aug. 2010 (von: Joern)

looking at the code again I think you get the matches after preg_match so you could try this by putting "$image_src = ..." below preg_match_allThe line with the comment ($image_src = '';) might help, try without this line first....$the_content =…

Re: adding first image from post to front page spoiler :: Reply by msderky

10. Okt. 2010 (von: msderky)

hey! i've been away from the net for a while...moving to a different city! but thnx so much it worked after i moved the img src below the matches..thnk u thnk u thnk u! Weiterlesen →


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