
Lost my featured categories on the front page

von Joern am 9. Aug. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

I’ve heavily modified the code of Arthemia for my website. As you can see, the Featured catergory has been moved. My boss doesn’t want a generic "Featured" category but instead for each section to link to a different category. I looked at the code to get the Featured category showing which is:

<?php query_posts("showposts=1&category_name=Featured"); $i = 1; ?>

When I tried to copy that and just change the category_name from Featured to Community, the entire block disappeared! What can I do to bring each of these categories back?
(There is suppose to be four blocks horizontally aligned below the slideshow)

(von: Hanscrafter)

Hier noch 2 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Re: Lost my featured categories on the front page :: Reply by Joern

18. Aug. 2010 (von: Joern)

I was in Italy for holiday, did you manage it already?I see in the section you talk about (featured news..?) three images linking to a post and below titles linking to categories.You want links to categories as it is?And images…

Re: Lost my featured categories on the front page :: Reply by Hanscrafter

20. Aug. 2010 (von: Hanscrafter)

Dear Joern, The website just went live a little bit ago. I can't express my appreciation enough for how much help you've been. Thank you! Weiterlesen →


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