
Viraltags, mal was anderes

von Joern am 8. Jul. 2007 | 4 Kommentare

Kopie freundlicherweise übernommen von: ViralTags – die zweite Generation des Viralink auf: WordPress, Adsense, SEO und Internet Marketing:

Noch was: ich habe mir erlaubt, aus der Matrix die onclick = …avascript… …urchinTracker… blablabla class= bla bla bla zu entfernen, das sollte da nicht drinstehen!

Jimmy Huen von Founders Cafe hat die Idee des Viralink verbessert. Viralink besteht aus einer Matrix von 120 Sternen, jeweils verlinkt und mit einem Anchor Tag versehen. Jimmy hat auf Grundlage dessen ViralTags ins Leben gerufen. ViralTags funktioniert nach dem gleichen Prinzip wie Viralink, anstelle der Sterne wird jedoch der entsprechende Anchor Text verlinkt. Im Ergebnis bringen beide Ideen jede Menge Backlinks und eine entsprechende Verbesserung des eigenen Rankings.

============= Copy and Paste below this line ===============


1.) Copy and paste the matrix of ViralTags below courtesy of Founders Cafe (to support Jimmy’s quest of launching his own Internet Startup with a shoestring budget, please consider subscribing to his Full RSS Feed to see his triumps and struggles in real time).

2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the ViralTags in the matrix with your anchor text of choice with your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their Viral Tags, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your Viral Tags below.

4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.

Host Tag: Tunsinn

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Important: Once I get a ping back from you (I promise to do the best I can), I will add your anchor text and the associated link you designate as Host Tag here, replacing one of the ViralTags from the matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have with your anchor text. If everybody who copy and paste from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral. So, the sooner you participate, the more links with anchor text you will receive.

=============== Copy and Paste from Above this line =========


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4 Kommentare

  1. Hello, I got your ping and I have added you to my viral matrix! Thanks and good luck!

  2. Dundee sagt:

    added you to mine already. cheers!

  3. Torsten sagt:

    Hi Joern, habe gerade meine ViralTags upgedatet und deinen Link aufgenommen.

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