to show posts from one category only you have to modify the query, it is in this line:
<?php query_posts('showposts=4'); $i = 1; if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?>
this ‚query_posts‘ needs one more parameter, if you want only a category with the name xxyy it should look like this:
<?php query_posts('category_name=xxyy&showposts=4'); $i = 1; if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?>
even better if you know the ID of the category, than the query for category ID=12 would be:
<?php query_posts('cat=12&showposts=4'); $i = 1; if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?>
before removing the headline and featured section I would insert myslider.php as explained in the first post. That’s just two lines modification in index.php.
If you get this working I will tell you how to remove the other sections.
good luck
you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook
(von: Joern)
Hier noch 31 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To
26. Nov. 2009 (von: Joern)
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Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by master
29. Nov. 2009 (von: master)
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Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by teoman
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Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by cricrazy
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Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by master
27. Mrz. 2010 (von: master)
give me some time pls, Joern____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by master
28. Mrz. 2010 (von: master)
@cricrazysee the demo here in frontlist beside the sidebar: (no demo any more...)Is that what you mean?I will explain how to get the 'arras slider' in Arthemia soon.____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by cricrazy
28. Mrz. 2010 (von: cricrazy)
Hello masteradmin,This is exactly, what I was looking for. Let me know how to achieve it in arthemia. Weiterlesen →
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Joern
29. Mrz. 2010 (von: Joern)
I opened a new topic 'slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress' here:viewtopic.php?f=1&t=79Hope you can handle it, good luck!____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by msderky
1. Mai. 2010 (von: msderky)
so i have the slideshow working but i am trying to get my header to be over the slideshow.i looked at a similar post and i have tried changing the z-index to the header and all of the tags that…
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by master
1. Mai. 2010 (von: master)
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Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by msderky
1. Mai. 2010 (von: msderky)
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Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Kirei
17. Jun. 2010 (von: Kirei)
Hey there,I want to bring this onto my site, but a few things I have a question on. 1. I don't want my recent posts in the slider. I want only select posts. How can I make it so only…
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Kirei
18. Jun. 2010 (von: Kirei)
Hmm didn't work. I created a test site for this.It worked fine, but after I added the cat code it kinda messed up. It's still showing the "new" posts vs just the category.It also isn't showing the correct Featured pictures/posts…
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Joern
18. Jun. 2010 (von: Joern)
sorry, didn't think about that:The query repeats, it's twice in this script!so go through the code and find the second query to modify exactly the same way as the first.Anyway, it's running..make a backup of index.php and remove the complete…
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Kirei
18. Jun. 2010 (von: Kirei)
Fantastic, test blog is working great and I'm going to implement it on my site today. Thank you so much for helping and for responding so quickly. I really do appreciate it. Weiterlesen →
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Kirei
18. Jun. 2010 (von: Kirei)
Well now this is interesting. I changed everything on my actual site, removed the headline/featured code as well, but my site hasn't changed at all. It doesn't even recognize that I removed the headline/featured area. Any thoughts? I thought it…
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Joern
18. Jun. 2010 (von: Joern)
your actual site looks 'unmodified' indeed.How do you edit the t5emplate files?I mean doing this in the theme editor seems sometimes not to work.I personally edit all files on a copy of my files on the server. This copy is…
Re: Content Slider jQuery UI for WordPress with timthumb How To :: Reply by Kirei
19. Jun. 2010 (von: Kirei)
Well sure enough it was that simple. I was editing the files through the Dashboard of Wordpress, but it wasn't changing the actual index.php at all. Which is just weird because I've changed code there before and it's worked like…
Help with Arthemia Navigation Bar – on multiple lines
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Re: Help with Arthemia Navigation Bar – on multiple lines :: Reply by master
24. Mrz. 2012 (von: master)
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Arthemia Premium – Customizing the Column List
27. Mrz. 2012 (von: pelusa)
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increasing pixels in an image
28. Mrz. 2012 (von: kinyofu)
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Re: increasing pixels in an image :: Reply by Joern
28. Mrz. 2012 (von: Joern)
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Re: Arthemia Premium – Customizing the Column List :: Reply by Joern
28. Mrz. 2012 (von: Joern)
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Re: increasing pixels in an image :: Reply by Joern
29. Mrz. 2012 (von: Joern)
@Kinyofutry this image, I scaled it up is a .gif file!! means in header you have to change the filenamehere the link:image/BW_logo.gifor what about that?image/BW_logo_color.gif____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →