in your sidebar2 is the following
if ( function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') && dynamic_sidebar('sidebar 2') ) : else :
reads: as soon you assign a widget to this bar the blogroll and meta will not be displayed, it’s in the ‚else‘ statement.
You can however put the blogroll and any other stuff as widget into sidebar2 again, with the links you assign to it.
to get sidebar1 into this file as asked before I would try to put the complete sidebar1 code here:
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="sidebar1">
<div class="sidebar2">
Now it just depends on the style assigned to sidebar1 where and how it’s going to be displayed.
In the sidebar1 code you show above is also an ‚else‘, so having it in place and assign any widget to it will remove the ‚Pages‘ and ‚Archives‘ in there, you can assign as widget again to show up
I can’t look at the sidebar, got no link to this site..
If anything in a site has no style in style.css (ie h2 tag or li tag in sidebar) you can’t find with firebug.
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(von: Joern)
Hier noch 6 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
need your quick help on text widget code in sidebar
2. Jun. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)
I am using a theme called verna. It is currently using sidebar2 however all of the cool things like the page navigation, text widgets can be added to sidebar1. Here is the code for the sidebarCode:<div id="rcolumn"><?php include (TEMPLATEPATH .…
Re: need your quick help on text widget code in sidebar :: Reply by omerkhan01
3. Jun. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)
Joern, here is what I meant. I want to be able to add sidebars to my theme. I have one sidebar, but I cannot add a text widget to it.Here are the instructions that I got from this siteTo add…
Re: need your quick help on text widget code in sidebar :: Reply by omerkhan01
3. Jun. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)
Joern, I figured it out. In the index.php file, replace Code:<php get sidebar()> withCode:<?php include("sidebar.php"); ?><?php include("sidebar2.php"); ?>This will put both sidebars there.So as you can see by going to my site that both sidebars come up.My only question isHow to move…
Re: need your quick help on text widget code in sidebar :: Reply by omerkhan01
3. Jun. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)
Joern, I got the text to align to the right and did locate the class for it.I went to "view source" and then I saw that it was in a class called textwidgetI then added this into stylesheet.css as .textwidget…
Re: need your quick help on text widget code in sidebar :: Reply by Joern
3. Jun. 2010 (von: Joern)
these sentences are in .sidebar2 ul lithis is set to width:268px;you could try 310pxor you set .textwidget from 100% to about 310pxafter any change always check in different browsers the full sidebar, changes might have an effect to other things…
Re: need your quick help on text widget code in sidebar :: Reply by omerkhan01
3. Jun. 2010 (von: omerkhan01)
Worked perfectly. I should have seen that. I am now learning to work from instinct and genius. ! Thanks man! Weiterlesen →