
Re: Page template – list posts by categories :: Reply by Joern

von Joern am 20. Apr. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

the code you refer to is actually made for the category bar of arthemia, 5 categories and if there are posts a list of 3 of them
If you do not want to display the category title if there are no posts – what is the empty category for? You also do not need to include an empty category in the array.
Also, listing many categories with many posts will give you a long page. Pagination will not work too.
Is it an archive page with a list of categories and the posts in there?

Here is some good code:

http://blogsessive.com/blogging-tools/l … y-archive/
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(von: Joern)

Hier noch 4 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Page template – list posts by categories

20. Apr. 2010 (von: adamwork)

Can anyone advise the code I need, to have a page, that appears with the title of each category, and then list the posts contained withing the category, then another category with it's post etc..So it looks a bit like…

Re: Page template – list posts by categories :: Reply by adamwork

20. Apr. 2010 (von: adamwork)

Actually - I solved it using this code here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14Many thanks Weiterlesen →

Re: Page template – list posts by categories :: Reply by adamwork

20. Apr. 2010 (von: adamwork)

Just a thought - is there any way to set the name of the category NOT to display, if there aren't any posts? Weiterlesen →

Re: Page template – list posts by categories :: Reply by adamwork

20. Apr. 2010 (von: adamwork)

nice, thanks joern Weiterlesen →


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