
Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by cricrazy

von Joern am 31. Mrz. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

Yet another observation. I am trying to make subpages in the pages. (Parent and child pages). I have a page links on the top in navbar.
The subpages gets hidden in the slide show. something like this:

http://img28.imageshack.us/i/screenshot … at424.png/ (homepage)

http://img37.imageshack.us/i/screenshot … at425.png/ (single page)
What could be causing this?

(von: cricrazy)

Hier noch 8 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia)

29. Mrz. 2010 (von: Joern)

How to get a jQuery cycle slideshow of some posts into the Headline part or above frontlist I try to explain you here.A demo is available in the frontlist under the category bar here:http://themes.go41.de/?wptheme=arthemiaThis slideshow is using timthumb script which…

Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by cricrazy

29. Mrz. 2010 (von: cricrazy)

Joern,It looks great. Only one thing, I am trying is the get latest four posts in the slideshow, instead of particular category. We had done it before, can you help me with this? If I make it to work, I…

Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by Joern

29. Mrz. 2010 (von: Joern)

actually just remove the category part from the query<?php query_posts("showposts=4); // set the number only if you like (showposts=4)?>this should get the four latest posts regardless of any categoryIf you work with sticky posts and do not want to show…

Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by cricrazy

30. Mrz. 2010 (von: cricrazy)

thanks Joern,I finished the update. Looks great. thanks for your help as always.Chris. Weiterlesen →

Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by Joern

30. Mrz. 2010 (von: Joern)

Looks great, soon is not much arthemia left on your site.Did you recognize that the Prev - Next button does not fadeOut after the first hover-fadeIn?I found a solution to make it invisible again after mouseout, not fade but just…

Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by cricrazy

30. Mrz. 2010 (von: cricrazy)

Thanks. Its true that I have changed many features of Arthemia (With your help, off-course). Today, I had a look at the default Arthemia theme, and was surprised to notice so many changes. Thanks again. Weiterlesen →

Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by Joern

31. Mrz. 2010 (von: Joern)

this you can change with the z-indexlower the values in the new css code and add higher values to page bar as explained here:topic/dropdown-menu-disappears-behind-jdgallerythe higher the value of z-index the more in front it will display_______________... Weiterlesen →

Re: slideshow using jQuery cycle for WordPress (Arthemia) :: Reply by saber210

29. Apr. 2011 (von: saber210)

will this work on premium arthemia? Weiterlesen →


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