
Re: Changing the Background on the Arthemia Theme :: Reply by karlisha12

von Joern am 30. Mrz. 2010 | Keine Kommentare

Thanks Joern, I was able to figure it out.

(von: karlisha12)

Hier noch 2 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

Changing the Background on the Arthemia Theme

19. Mrz. 2010 (von: karlisha12)

I am attempting to change the template background on my arthemia theme based website from black to white. I've changed the overall page background (from black to white) by simply changing the html code on the style sheet, however I…

Re: Changing the Background on the Arthemia Theme :: Reply by Joern

19. Mrz. 2010 (von: Joern)

I still do not really get what you want to do? You changed the grey borders #page from grey to #000000, black. White would be background:#FFFFFF;Changing the color around your theme to black:body {background:#000000;..tell me first, you want to change...…


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