Fritz?.. you could insert a code like the one below. This one checks first if simpletags is running, if yes it will run on a single page only.
The simple tags function st_related_posts will give you back some posts tagged with one or more tags of the current post.
I set it to show 5 posts, no pages (if tagged) and the link is formatted with ‚xformat‘ to show permalink, title and name of the related post.
Try it!
<?php if (class_exists(‚SimpleTags‘)) : ?>
<?php if ( is_single() ) { ?>
<h3>Related posts</h3>
<?php st_related_posts(’number=5&title=&include_page=false&xformat=<a href="%permalink%" rel="bookmark" title="%title%">%title%</a>‘); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
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(von: master)
Hier noch 47 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:
Re: include related posts in sidebar using simple-tags
12. Feb. 2009 (von: f-t-cat)
I am using simple-tags for wordpress and want to show some related posts in my sidebar, when someone is viewing a single page, any ideas? Weiterlesen →
Top gallery and general html/embedding
17. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)
HelloWhen using the plugin "Featured Content Gallery", it seems that the coding does not work. See how it looks: when I want to use the headslider, the whole gallery places itself way to the right. See here: wonder…
Re: Top gallery and general html/embedding :: Reply by Joern
17. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)
the problem with featured content gallery seems to be just a problem of css styling. The plugin you use puts the gallery into a div id="featured". In arthemias style.css is #featured formatted to float right. Not using the featured stuff…
Re: Top gallery and general html/embedding :: Reply by Miklo
17. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)
I actually use arthemix-bronze, but can't find #featured. Is it anywhere else? Seems strange that the gallery you have made floats right though, that problem appeared right away when I activated the theme, before I made any changes to the…
Re: Top gallery and general html/embedding :: Reply by Joern
17. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)
It was the color of your category bar making me think it's arthemia...I would try to rename the file headslider.php - it will not load anymore.And also uncomment (or delete) all stuff in style.css starting with #headslider. To uncomment css…
Re: Top gallery and general html/embedding :: Reply by Miklo
17. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)
Did not work. I can't understand what's wrong. Are there any codes I should change on the plugin maybe?As of now, the beginning of index.php isCode:<?php get_header(); ?><?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php'); ?><?php if(!is_paged()) { // only on first page…
Re: Top gallery and general html/embedding :: Reply by Joern
17. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)
actually, if this gallery is working in your original theme, it should use the same settings and bring out something.Under settings in your dashboard should be Featured Content to configure...I do not know, but did you check the source code…
Re: Top gallery and general html/embedding :: Reply by Miklo
17. Dez. 2009 (von: Miklo)
I have done what you've said, activated arthemix-bronze, and even changed plugin to Dynamic Content Gallery. None of the options worked. There have to be some kind of limitation which does not allow the .php file to execute or something,…
get the oembed code of a video in a WP 2.9 post from postmeta
21. Dez. 2009 (von: master)
The latest WordPress 2.9 got a new function to automatically embed all plain text URLs with the help of oembed. On a blog displaying resized images together with the_excerpt it is nice to show also the embeded video clips if…
Change width and height in oembed code on the fly WP 2.9
21. Dez. 2009 (von: master)
As explained in a previous topic get the oembed code of a video in a WP 2.9 post from postmeta we can get only the code for embeded media (WordPress 2.9 required!)To change and resize the width and height of…
updated to WordPress 2.9 – Simple Tags can’t work with this WordPress version
21. Dez. 2009 (von: Joern)
After updating my go41 - site to WordPress 2.9 the plugin 'Simple Tags' says on top of the dashboard:Simple Tags can't work with this WordPress version !The plugin is still working though and you just need to edit the file…
add_filter to embed_oembed_html to get wmode transparent
24. Dez. 2009 (von: master)
The video embedded by WordPress 2.9 hasn't the parameters <param name='wmode' value='transparent' /> and <embed wmode="transparent" ... >.This makes it stay above a dropdown menu and any other elements on thepage. Yes, it is possible to modify the code returned…
change the custom field name and use full path for images in Arthemia
4. Jan. 2010 (von: Joern)
The question is that the thumbnails on the current theme use the full path ( instead of the path that Arthemia uses (wp-content/uploads/etc...). Additionally, the field name for the thumbnails in the existing theme is "thumbnail".You can edit theme files…
custom text and category excert „read full story“
5. Jan. 2010 (von: tonya)
Hi I have search the Arthemia forums but can not seem to find the answer for two questions:How to add custom text at the end of each post?I would like to add custom text at the end of each post,…
Re: custom text and category excert „read full story“ :: Reply by tonya
5. Jan. 2010 (von: tonya)
I still need help with the first question: How to add custom text at the end of each post before the plugins?Joern you are brilliant! Thanks to one of your other post on an unrelated topic I was able to…
Re: custom text and category excert „read full story“ :: Reply by Joern
5. Jan. 2010 (von: Joern)
the question is: do you want to add your custom text in all posts and also in frontpage (index.php), category/date/tag -archive.php or only in single post view?In single.php (you see only one post here) the place is really under<?php the_content('Read…
Another Category Bar Change Question
20. Jan. 2010 (von: Blogchick)
Hey JoernQuick question. Is it possible to have the category bar show only 3 sections instead of 5?Basically, what I would like to do is delete 2 categories and have the three take up the width of the screen -…
Re: Another Category Bar Change Question :: Reply by Joern
20. Jan. 2010 (von: Joern)
that's very easy, just take off 2 of the 5 Category IDs you entered once in index.phpthese are the numbers behind<?php $display_categories = array( ....It should look like this then<?php $display_categories = array(3,5,6); $i = 1;you will see now... Weiterlesen…
Re: Another Category Bar Change Question :: Reply by Blogchick
21. Jan. 2010 (von: Blogchick)
Hi Joern,Thanks for the tip. I actually haven't touched the template at all yet. All I did was adjusted an image of the theme to show what I meant. I'll try that now and let you know how everything goes.And…
Re: Another Category Bar Change Question :: Reply by Blogchick
21. Jan. 2010 (von: Blogchick)
I just went into my dashboard and made those changes - it worked out perfectly!Vielen dank! Weiterlesen →
Help needed with RSS WordPress FEED
21. Jan. 2010 (von: drwhom)
Hi Joern, got a bit or a weird RSS situation. For some reason the site ( doesn't seem to be producing an RSS feed for the last few days - any idea what's going on with it? I can't think…
Re: Help needed with RSS WordPress FEED :: Reply by Joern
21. Jan. 2010 (von: Joern)
right, any feed link I try gets an Internal Server Error. The nexgen gallery feed is forbidden!, check the gallery settings. but comment feeds are working: ... woman/feedHow did you update wordpress? maybe try to ... Weiterlesen →
Re: Help needed with RSS WordPress FEED :: Reply by drwhom
21. Jan. 2010 (von: drwhom)
Thanks Joern, I know you'll be banging your head against the wall for this one but where would I find wp-rss.php and wp-rss2.php to upload them. And where should I put them in the root folder?And where are the feed…
Re: Help needed with RSS WordPress FEED :: Reply by Joern
21. Jan. 2010 (von: Joern)
I just read somewhere that Internal Server Error points to memory problems..I also got a single post feed to display; ... nts=1/feedIn your dashboard go to settings - reading and set Syndication feeds show the mos... Weiterlesen →
Re: Help needed with RSS WordPress FEED :: Reply by drwhom
21. Jan. 2010 (von: drwhom)
Ahhh memory problems eh? I've switched it to 1 post and it worked and I've upped it to 5 posts and it still works, so I might just leave it at that (previously it was on 25!)I've also unchecked the…