
robots.txt for bbpress, what to put in?

von Joern am 12. Feb. 2009 | Keine Kommentare

I didn’t find a robots.txt file for bbpress. There are many crawlers looking for this file first so best to have one in your root folder.
The content of my current robots.txt file is now:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*

User-agent: *

Disallow: /bb-admin/

Disallow: /bb-cache/

Disallow: /bb-includes/

Disallow: /bb-plugins/

Disallow: /bb-templates/

Disallow: /my-plugins/

Disallow: /my-templates/

Disallow: /plesk-stat/
sitemap: sitemap.xml

Actually I disallow most of the folders, still would like to disallow ‚login‘
Sitemap I use is from: http://boakes.org/download/bbpress_sitemap.txt
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(von: master)

Hier noch 103 weitere Ergebnisse dieses Threads:

problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page

26. Jul. 2009 (von: sadhan)

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Re: problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page :: Reply by master

26. Jul. 2009 (von: master)

could you give me a link to your site pls ..____________________you find me on Google+, Twitter and Facebook Weiterlesen →

Re: problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page :: Reply by sadhan

29. Jul. 2009 (von: sadhan)

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Re: problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page :: Reply by master

29. Jul. 2009 (von: master)

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Re: problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page :: Reply by sadhan

31. Jul. 2009 (von: sadhan)

Appreciate your helpful response. I did that as you mentioned. I found the top one ad is coming but no luck on the rect one. But to my surprize it came for couple of times. So I guess I need…

Re: problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page :: Reply by sadhan

1. Aug. 2009 (von: sadhan)

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Re: problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page :: Reply by master

1. Aug. 2009 (von: master)

it's quite common to display different ads or images if is frontpage, single or any other view.In your Arthemia theme you could modify header.php to display on the first view you get (is_home) the normal banner and on all other…

Re: problem in displaying 300×250 ad in arthemia free home page :: Reply by sadhan

2. Aug. 2009 (von: sadhan)

perfect! thanks a lot. It finally works with this workaround. Great help. Weiterlesen →

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Re: Remove the sidebar from a page to display a forum :: Reply by Joern

13. Okt. 2009 (von: Joern)

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Re: bbpress front-page pagination Items per page :: Reply by master

14. Okt. 2009 (von: master)

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Re: How do I install a bbPress theme? :: Reply by master

28. Okt. 2009 (von: master)

@Xarzuit might be you use a theme not running on your version of bbPress. If you see no screenshot of the new theme in your "my-templates" folder, then there is no screenshot.png in this themes folder.I used the Kakumei theme…

How to replace headline.png and featured.png images with text in arthemia

28. Okt. 2009 (von: Joern)

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Re: How do I install a bbPress theme? :: Reply by Xarzu

29. Okt. 2009 (von: Xarzu)

I am happy to say I got it working.Changing permissions on the folders did the trick!After that, I saw the preview in the dashboard and I was able to activate it.(bbpress) http://www.arguemax.com/bbpress-1.0.2/bbpress/(wordpress) http://www.arguemax.... Weiterlesen →

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23. Nov. 2009 (von: four09)

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Re: Featured articles on all pages :: Reply by master

23. Nov. 2009 (von: master)

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center align problem

23. Jul. 2011 (von: geekprison)

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Re: center align problem :: Reply by Joern

23. Jul. 2011 (von: Joern)

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Re: center align problem :: Reply by geekprison

23. Jul. 2011 (von: geekprison)

hello, thanks for your generous reply,i tried adding both the codes one at a time.aligncenter {display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;}.excerpt .entry p img.aligncenter {display: block;margin: 0 auto;}but there was no effect on image, they... Weiterlesen →


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