
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Hello Folks,Have been trying to figure this one out for a while....I was trying to have the browse categories section with my top five categories with no luck...I decided to erase every category and try again...Now I am not able to see any categories on the browse categories slot, even…

von Joern
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Hi there,I am using a flash slideshow with XML in the sidebar to display images. It works fine in Firefox and Chrome. However, in Internet explorer, the page stops loading once Flash file (swf) is loaded (it wont load the content and footer). Even after all the images are loaded…

von Joern
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Hi Joern, I have a few questions for you.1 - what happened to Jubel and the Unessentials Forum? I can't access it for archives.2 - my site is www.empoweringwomenslives.com - I have 1 tab with a drop down menu. I'd like to have the items go sideways. How do I…