
the info you need to know

von Joern
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Sorry, I never used cURL yet.As simplepie is in WordPress already and is useful for many other functions to grab feeds, I use it as is.What I do is actually not disable the caching function, eg do not use:$feed->enable_cache(false); // disable cachingbut use instead:$feed->set_cache_location('cache'); // change to your cache location$feed->set_cache_duration(259200);…

von Joern
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I am using the newest version of Arthemia and WP but the text on the sidebar and left,right,middle footer is huge with in IE8 firefox shows up fine. domain in question thuylehomes.comthanksericI also have this theme on multiple other blogs with no issues... hmmmthanks again

von Joern
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Actually Joern I downloaded FCK Editor and left aligned my text. It is left aligned now. I just want to know how to color the H3 long linesYOu see it in the frontpage posts, it is like--------------------------------------------Post content-----------------------------------------I want to color ----------------------------- or manipulate it. I also want to add…