
the info you need to know

von Joern
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I like to use this Plugin Name: WP SEO Tags ( Plugin URI: http://www.saquery.com/wordpress/wp-seo-tags ) to add Tag-Search-Page for each Keyword Phrase logged and moderated before they appear. The problem for me was an ever increasing table in my database…

von Joern
3 Kommentare

With WordPress 3.0 you get a new 'default' theme called Twenty Ten. So upgrading to 3.0 will install this new theme to your themes folder. This site is using a plugin to let visitors select themes to testrun, so give…

von Joern
1 Kommentar

New! Beautiful! WordPress theme series Barthami is ready for you. The Barthami Theme features: Unique layout with a jQuery Content Slider on top of the homepage view Automatic Image Resizer (timthumb), to dynamically create and size cached thumbnails for the…

von Joern
5 Kommentare

Screenshots of available themes: (quite old, still working, please replace timthumb script with latest secure version...) aranovo2 WordPress theme Theme Description: Aranovo2 theme is using an image (post) slider for the first five posts on the frontpage. Images you can…