
the info you need to know

von Joern
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this is not so easy to achieve...You could look at my theme Arthemix Bronze, preview is here:http://themes.go41.de/?wptheme=arthemix-bronzeor Arthemix Green preview:http://themes.go41.de/?wptheme=arthemix-greenIt's actually quite similar to Arthemia, free WordPress theme download it here:http://themes.go41.de/wp-content/downlo ... bronze.zipon that site you find also other themes, use the theme-switcher on topEach download has a readme file…

von Joern
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Okay I would love help from anyone, but Joern you seem to be so active and good in this forum. Here is my issue, all of the sudden today my thumbnails stopped working. The only difference between the ones that do work and the ones that don't are the broken…