
the info you need to know

von Joern
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The tabs on my navbar with sub-categories all open when I hover over the parent tab instead of waiting until I hover over them individually to open. Please watch this Jingcast for a better explanation: http://screencast.com/t/n2Yv4YkP4EG1.Also, how can I fix…

von Joern
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you are quite in the right place in style.css but you use font-color instead of the correct 'color'start here:#page-bar a:hover { text-decoration:none; display:block;font-color:#000000; }and change to:#page-bar a:hover { text-decoration:none; display:block; color:#000000; }this should change almost all text to white on…

von Joern
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HiBetween my navigation bar, and slider, I have a horrible gap that appears in IE6 and 7I'm guessing it's to do with floats?Here's my code:Code:<div id="header-container"><div id="head" class="clearfloat">      <div class="clearfloat">         <div id="logo" class="left">            /"><img…