
the info you need to know

von Joern
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to insert an add in index.php under the category bar you need to find this line:<div id="front-list">just directly under this line youput this code (try the add code from your header first):<div style="margin: 5px auto 10px;text-align:center;"><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "ca-pub-your 468x60…

von Joern
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actually there was on top of sidebar.php this<div id="sidebar"><div id="sidebar-ads"><img src="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-content/themes/arthemia/images/banners/square.jpg" alt="" width="300px" height="250px" /></div><div id="sidebar-top">best place for an add is above the 'fold', so on top of the sidebar.If your sidebar looks like this, it shoold…